Precious Metal Refinery | Gold Refinery | Advanced Chemical Company - CERTIFICATIONS
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QC that produces measurable results.


Certifications are nothing without true commitment.  It would only take a visit to our facility or a conversation with a customer to know that each of these certificates and registrations are not marketing pieces to us. They are our way.

Advanced Chemical Company is proud of its ability to maintain quality that is certified to the highest standards. The ultimate goal of maintaining these standards is to satisfy each customer and exceed all expectations by continually improving upon our performance.

For more information on how we control quality, view below or contact our Quality Assurance Manager:



Advanced Chemical Company has established its quality policy to provide assurance that our products and services meet our customer’s expectations. The quality management system is an integral part of Advanced Chemical Company’s strategy to continuously enhance and differentiate its delivery of products and services to our customers.

The system has been designed and implemented in order to satisfy all major requirements of the ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2008 standard. All Advanced Chemical Company employees are aware of Management’s commitment to providing quality products and services. They are fully trained to succeed in their respective roles within the quality management system and to embrace this quality policy.

Management and employee efforts will ensure that the following goals are achieved:

  • Total customer satisfaction.
  • Unmatched reputation for integrity & reliability.
  • Persistent increases in sales growth.
  • Conscientious work habits and regard for expenses.
  • Respect and consideration for all employees.
  • A safe and quality-oriented working environment.

Each of these goals provides a framework for the management’s development of the company’s measurable quality
objectives. Management will insure that the quality objectives will be implemented at all organizational levels and
periodically reviewed as customer needs change.

Click here to view our Quality Policy

Click here to view our ISO Certificate



Advanced Chemical Company is committed to Environmental compliance.  Employees are responsible for following sound practice in planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of all systems and in both facilities.  The Company has established rules and guidelines pertaining to pollution prevention, hazardous waste compliance, energy conservation, avoidance of situations that result in an environmental impact or mitigation, and compliance with all Federal and State environmental regulations.  These guidelines shall be observed, by all employees, at all times.  Employee’s decisions should always be guided by the Company’s commitment to environmental compliance.  Whenever a conflict between situations concerning environmental compliance or the Company’s production processes exists, environmental compliance shall always take precedence.

Advanced Chemical Company has given the responsibility of providing and maintaining environmental compliance to each manager, supervisor, and employee.  All employees shall observe the Company’s regulatory rules and guidelines and use good common sense when reporting environmental compliance concerns.  Managers and supervisors shall periodically inspect the employee’s working conditions for possible environmental compliance issues.  Senior management shall provide strategic planning and ensure that managers keep environmental compliance plans current and that these plans are reviewed in accordance with applicable regulations and the corporate mission. 

Advanced Chemical Company believes the most important part of any compliance program starts with its employees.  Employees are expected to abide by the Company’s environmental rules and guidelines and report any non-compliant situation, no matter how small, to the Environmental Health and Safety Department.  This department shall investigate all situations using the corrective action section of the Quality system.  

Advanced Chemical Company hopes to meet the following goals as a result of this environmental policy:

  • Provide an environmentally compliant work environment for all Company employees and our surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Develop a working partnership with the regulatory community.
  • Protect the environment.
  • Reduce operational down time and any financial costs associated with environmental non-compliance.  
  • Increase customer satisfaction and returns on our investment.
  • Be an industry leader in Environmental compliance.

Advanced Chemical Company’s commitment to this ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY shall include disciplinary action, including possible employee termination, to any disregard of an environmental compliance rule or guideline.  Any questions, concerns, or complaints, regarding this policy, can be directed to any member of Management or the Environmental Health and Safety Department.  Where they shall answer the questions, concerns, or complaints or obtain the answers.

Click here to view our Environmental Policy.

Click here to view our ISO Certificate.



Advanced Chemical Company is committed to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses to its employees while they conduct precious metal and semi-precious metal recycling operations, which also include manufacturing, size reduction, laboratory analysis and transportation processes.  The company will take into consideration the health and safety hazards/risks that are part of the various processes that employees perform.

The management commits to monitor the working conditions of employees and take appropriate corrective and preventive actions to prevent the recurrence of an existing unsafe/unhealthy situation.  The company will also take such actions to eliminate the chance of a potential unsafe/unhealthy problem, which will continually improve the performance of the established occupational health and safety system.
As a part of employment, health and safety rules and guidelines, including this policy, shall be observed by employees at all times.   Employees’ decisions on how and when to do a job should always be guided by the company’s policy to health and safety.  Whenever a conflict between an employee’s health and safety or the company’s production processes exists, employee health and safety shall always take precedence. Any employee that may be exposed to an unsafe working condition or an imminently dangerous situation may suspend any or all work activities until the unsafe working condition is corrected.
Advanced Chemical Company commits to meet the following goals as a result of this safety policy:

  • Provide  a  safe  and  healthy  work  environment  for  all  employees,  visitors,  contractors  and customers alerting them on individual occupational health and safety obligations.
  • Reduce the number of safety and health incidents by appropriate engineering design/other controls (PPE, training, etc.).
  • Reduce employee down time due to injury or illness of employees through routine monitoring.
  • Monitor compliance and take appropriate corrective and preventive actions to assure compliance with legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes that relate to its occupational health and safety hazards.
  • Increase customer confidence in our safe work environment.
  • Set the standard for health and safety for our industry by reviewing periodically the extent of fulfillment of defined targets and objectives, in addition to the company’s fulfillment of this policy’s stated goals.

Advanced Chemical Company’s commitment to this health and safety policy shall include disciplinary action, including possible employee termination, to any disregard of a safety rule or guideline.    Top management reviews periodically this occupational health and safety policy to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the current business of the organization. This policy is available to all interested parties through the company’s website and postings at all facilities.

Click here to view our Health & Safety Policy



affiliation itarProtection of Intellectual property is paramount at Advanced Chemical Company.  Our meticulous processes and procedures are an assurance to our customers that their products are unquestionably destroyed.  Upon request ACC can issue Certificates of Destruction to satisfy compliance requirements.   

Our commitment to your protection is why Advanced Chemical Company is ITAR registered with the Department of State.  ITAR (The International Traffic in Arms Regulations) is a set of regulations that govern the export and re-export of certain controlled commodities, services, and, most importantly, technologies.  It also restricts sensitive information and technologies to only be shared with US Citizens unless special approval is granted. This regulation ensures that anything to do with US proprietary defense secrets are not shared with anyone that our government has deemed not authorized to see or be in possession of.  This includes non-US citizens in the US.

ITAR requires that any person (company) who engages in the business of manufacturing defense articles or furnishing defense services is required to register and keep their registration current with the United States Department of State.  If you manage ITAR materials, it is your responsibility to assure that all of your suppliers have the proper registrations and follow the ITAR procedures.

If you would like a copy of our ITAR letter please email us at





    Advanced Chemical Company - Responsible Sourcing Policy

    Advanced Chemical Company is a conformant smelter registered with the Responsible Business Alliance, and conforms to the requirements set forth by the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s (RMI’s) Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) Standard, that aligns with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains on Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

    Advanced Chemical Company respects the dignity and importance of human rights and considers any mineral that may pose risks of contributing the harm listed in Annex II of OECD Guidelines to be ‘conflict minerals’ as well as risks related to money laundering and the financing of terrorism. We will only purchase gold-containing materials from sources that have been verified as not involving or contributing to illegal armed groups, human rights violations, or financial wrongdoings as defined in
    Annex II of the OECD Guidance and listed here

    • Serious abuses associated with the extraction, transport or trade of minerals:
    • Any forms of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment;
      • Any forms of forced or compulsory labor;
      • The worst forms of child labor;
      • Other gross human rights violations and abuses such as widespread sexual violence;
      • War crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide.
    • Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups.
    • Direct or indirect support to public or private security forces.
    • Bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals.
      • Money laundering.
      • Non-payment of taxes, fees and royalties to governments.

    In support of the above, all of our relevant staff members are directed to follow and trained on procedures to implement a conflict minerals due diligence system that aims to:

      • Exercise due diligence with relevant suppliers consistent with the OECD Guidance and the Responsible Business Alliance’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) and encourage our suppliers to do the same.
      • Provide, and expect our suppliers to cooperate in providing, due diligence information to confirm gold in our supply chain does not contribute to illegal armed groups, human rights violations, or financial wrongdoings as defined in Annex II of OECD Guidance, as well as an Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing Terrorism Policy
      • Aim to establish long-term relationships with our immediate suppliers.
      • Consider ways to support and build capacities of gold supplying counterparties to improve performance and conform to this supply chain policy.
      • Suspend or discontinue engagement with upstream suppliers after failed attempts at mitigation.
      • Immediately discontinue engagement with suppliers who pose a reasonable risk to be causing severe human rights abuses.
      • Undergo an annual RMAP assessment to verify our conflict-free status as well as identify opportunities to continually improve our conflict minerals due diligence management system.
      • Commit to transparency in the implementation of this policy by making available reports on our progress to our customers, relevant stakeholders and the public (as required).
      • Support the implementation of the principles and criteria of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI).


    Issue Date: October 31, 2023 

    Currently, gold is the only mineral on the list of “Conflict Metals” that is related to our products, chemistries, or services. 

    In addition, Advanced Chemical Company :
    1) makes and receives payments for gold through official banking channels where they are
    reasonably available,
    2) avoids cash transactions where possible and ensures all unavoidable cash transactions
    are supported by verifiable information,
    3) cooperates fully and transparently with law enforcement agencies regarding gold
    transactions, when required, and
    4) provide customs officials with access to complete information on all international shipments.

    Should any person or party, either internal or external to our organization, have concerns regarding our sourcing practices or our handling of gold, may initiate a grievance with the Responsible Business Alliance by way of visiting their grievance portal at 

    For additional information regarding our Responsible Minerals Initiative program or our company, please visit, or email 

    David Farnum
    President and COO  

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    Advanced Chemical Company - Step 5 Procedure

    The purpose of this procedure is to help make informed decisions about responsibly sourced minerals in our supply chain based on the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) Standard. RMAP uses an independent third-party audit of smelter/refiner management systems and sourcing practices to validate conformance with RMAP protocols and current global standards. The RMAP audit validates our company level management processes for responsible mineral procurement. Companies can then use this information to inform their sourcing choices. For more information on the RMAP standard please visit

    I. Company Information

    Company Name

    Advanced Chemical Company

    CID Number


    Company Address

    131 Bellows Street, Warwick, RI 02888

    Assessment Date (s)

    11/25/24 - 11/27/24

    Assessed Material


    II. RMAP Assessment Summary

    Date of RMAP assessment

    11/25/24 - 11/27/24

    Assessment Period

    11/1/23 - 10/31/24

    Assessment Firm

    Arche Advisors

    URL to most recent assessment summary report

    III. Company Supply Chain Policy

    Advanced Chemical is conformant with the RMAP assessment
    and our supply chain policy is accessible on our website.

    IV. Company Management Systems 

    Management Structure

    • CFO – Oversees due diligence
    • Finance Manager – Manages due diligence

    Departmental Expectations

    • Customer Service – Exercises due diligence regarding KYC procedures, receiving procedures
    • Sales – Exercises due diligence regarding KYC procedures, ID Red Flags, ID CAHRA, ID Supply Chain Risks
    • Refining – Exercise due diligence regarding receiving procedures, ID Red Flags, CAHRA

    Relevant Trainings

    • Finance, Customer Service, Sales, Refining annual RMI review was conducted on 10/25/23
    • Onboarding training is conducted for any new member or Finance, Customer Service, Sales, Refining

    Implemented management review and documentation on 3/9/23. Recent improvements to our due diligence program include updating our sourcing policy, CAHRA identification procedure, grievance mechanism and process, supplier due diligence, and KYC requirements.

    Internal Systems of Control

    • Responsible Sourcing Policy states that we uphold RMAP expectations and avoid sourcing from high risk sources
    • Enforce supplier expectations and requirements through KYC procedures
    • Review material upon receipt through our Lot Receipt Procedures
    • Assign a unique lot number to, account for, and reconcile all gold containing material received, processed, and sold
    • Conducting inventory controls throughout the refining process
    • Continually update and monitor suppliers with annual account review and request updated KYC when applicable
    • Ensure our Grievance Mechanism is accessible to all through the company website, utilize our Grievance Response Procedure as needed

    Record Keeping System

    • KYC information is stored on our internal cloud accessible only by management for review and maintenance
    • Refining lot retention kept in storage for 5 years – contains receiving, processing, settlement information

    V. Risk Identification

    Identifying Conflict-Affected And High-Risk Areas (CAHRAS)
    We apply our CAHRAs identification procedure to supply chains (i.e. material, transit routes, suppliers) of all recycled gold, and financials refinery sources that are not conformant with the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) standard annually or prior to sourcing new material or form new suppliers. We use the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI’s) Global Risk Map Tool to define CAHRAs using the following criteria:

    Resource  CAHRA criteria  The country is classified a CAHRA if it: 

    US Dodd-Frank Act

    OECD Annex II risks: Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups, or public or private security forces.
    • Presence of armed conflict and widespread violence (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
    • Transit risks (nine surrounding countries)
    • Listed as a Covered Country (i.e., Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Zambia, Angola, the Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda)
    European Union CAHRAs List 
    • OECD Annex II risks: All risks. 
    • Listed as a CAHRA

    Global Risk Map Tool (RMI Risk Profile – overall risk)

    • OECD Annex II risks: All risks. 
    • Ranked high or extremely high for overall risk on RMI’s Global Risk Map Tool

    Know Your Counterparty (KYC)

    The purpose of this procedure is to complete Know Your Counterparty (KYC) evaluations of each supplier of gold material. We establish and implement basic KYC requirements to determine the identity, type of business relationship and legality of business operations for each supplier of gold material in accordance with Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) standard. Our KYC procedure includes an evaluation of beneficiaries against global sanctions lists.

    The purpose of this procedure is to complete Know Your Counterparty (KYC) evaluations of each supplier of gold material. We establish and implement basic KYC requirements to determine the identity, type of business relationship and legality of business operations for each supplier of gold material in accordance with the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) Standard. Our KYC procedure includes an evaluation of beneficiaries against global sanctions lists.

    Site Visits of High-Risk Suppliers
    We conducted 6 individual site visits to aggregators and recycler suppliers to validate that these suppliers only source and process recyclable material as defined in the RMAP standard.

    ACC has identified a red flag during the review of the gold supplying counterparty, the gold origin or transportation.

    Supply Chain Risk Identification

    We evaluate any posed risks associated with Annex II of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chain of Minerals in our gold supply chains by leveraging our CAHRA identification and KYC procedures in addition to validating the type and origin of each transaction of gold containing material we source. Advanced Chemical Company has not identified any supply chain risks.

    VI. Risk Mitigation

    We have not identified supply chain risks. However, we do have processes in place to respond to future risks should they arise. These include:

    Map the Supply Chain:

    • Complete RMI Supply Chain Mapping Tool, conduct desktop research, on-site visits, assessment of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing policies and procedures
    • Upon completion of supply chain mapping complete Responsible Minerals Initiative’s Audit High-Risk Workbook details OECD conformance expectations for high-risk sourcing 


    David Farnum
    President and COO
    November 15. 2025

    Lauren Faella
    Finance Manager
    November 15. 2025



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    Advanced Chemical Company - Grievance Policy

    We are aware of and actively supports the international efforts to investigate, monitor and mitigate activities that contribute to illegal armed groups, human rights violations, or financial wrongdoings in gold supply chains as defined in Annex II of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict- Affected and High-Risk Areas Third Edition (OECD Guidance).

    We respect the dignity and importance of human rights and consider any mineral that may pose risks of contributing the harm listed in Annex II of OECD Guidelines to be ‘conflict minerals’. We will only purchase gold-containing materials from sources that have been verified as not involving or contributing to illegal armed groups, human rights violations, or financial wrongdoings as defined in Annex II of the OECD Guidance and listed here:

    • Serious abuses associated with the extraction, transport or trade of minerals:
    • Any forms of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment;
      • Any forms of forced or compulsory labor;
      • The worst forms of child labor;
      • Other gross human rights violations and abuses such as widespread sexual violence;
      • War crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide.
    • Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups.
    • Direct or indirect support to public or private security forces.
    • Bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals.
    • Money laundering.
    • Non-payment of taxes, fees and royalties to governments.

    In support of the above, all of our relevant staff members are directed to follow and trained on procedures to implement a conflict minerals due diligence system that aims to:

    • Exercise due diligence with relevant suppliers consistent with the OECD Guidance and the Responsible Business Alliance’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) and encourage our suppliers to do the same.
    • Provide, and expect our suppliers to cooperate in providing, due diligence information to confirm gold in our supply chain does not contribute to illegal armed groups, human rights violations, or financial wrongdoings as defined in Annex II of OECD Guidance.
    • Aim to establish long-term relationships with our immediate suppliers.
    • Consider ways to support and build capacities of gold supplying counterparties to improve performance and conform to this supply chain policy.
    • Suspend or discontinue engagement with upstream suppliers after failed attempts at mitigation.
    • Immediately discontinue engagement with suppliers who pose a reasonable risk to be causing severe human rights abuses.
    • Undergo an annual RMAP assessment to verify our conflict-free status as well as identify opportunities to continually improve our conflict minerals due diligence management system.
    • Commit to transparency in the implementation of this policy by making available reports on our progress to our customers, relevant stakeholders and the public (as required).
    • Support the implementation of the principles and criteria of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI).


    • Advanced Chemical Company (“ACC”) makes every attempt to ensure that our customers are treated with courtesy and that their concerns are acknowledged and addressed in a timely manner. Our goal is to create a clear and coherent process to respond to any issues, and it is our policy to consider constructive comments as an opportunity for improvement.
    • With regard to the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and the Responsible Minerals Assurance Programs (RMAP), ACC acknowledges the right of any individual or organization relevant to ACC (customers, business partners, service providers, or their representatives) to be able to raise any concerns about our process, and to file a grievance about our decision making protocol.
    • This form allows any person or customer to submit a concern or grievance to ACC for review, assessment and response. The issues about ACC policy should be factual and evidence based. Please include all relevant documentation with your submission. All comments about our processes or criteria will be taken seriously and submitted to our compliance officer for investigation and review. All relevant submissions will be “logged” and maintained as a record in our files for a period of five years. If the issue does not concern ACC directly, or you have broader concerns or comments, you may also contact the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) directly through their grievance page of the Responsible Minerals Initiative
    • Our website allows for the anonymous reporting of incidents. In the event a “whistleblower” chooses to disclose information about wrongdoing or human rights related violations about our supplier or their practices, ACC will ensure the confidentiality of the supplier of the information, unless disclosure is required by law. Although providing contact information better allows ACC to further follow up with the information given during the investigation and resolution process, submissions which disclose information in good faith will be investigated in the same manner as other submissions. Anonymous submissions can also be made through the RMI website.

    To submit to the ACC website directly, please use the form below.

    Please let us know your name.
    Please let us know your email address.
    *required fields
    Invalid Input
    Please write a subject for your message.
    Please let us know your message.


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Don't Take Our Word For It, See What Our Clients Are Saying:

"I wanted to thank each of you for your assistance with our undertaking of this huge shipment. You have been very patient with me in answering all questions and as I stated the driver was outstanding!!!! He helped with the entire load, made suggestions and just went above and beyond what he probably had to do. We are so grateful, this was a very tough job."

"Advanced Chemical is a first class organization and we’re more than satisfied with your service. I look forward to doing more business with you.  As usual...You guys are the best!!"

"You are the best, I mean that. Thank you, thank you!"

“It was a pleasure meeting all of you and seeing your “first class” operation. Everybody that I met there were very patient with me in their explanations and in answering my (maybe sometimes redundant), questions. While I was not able to witness all of your operations, the glimpse you afforded me was enough increase my understanding in how most materials are processed so that I can better do my job in preparing these materials.   Hope to visit again sometime and see you all.”

"Thanks for moving our material through as efficiently as always. Advanced Chemical consistently provides excellent service. It’s a sincere pleasure working with you."

"I must say that we have experienced better returns, pricing and service. We see them in almost every aspect of the refining process. Well done."

"Every time I come to Advanced there is always a positive change. The new shredding facility is impeccable! As always your operators and customer service people were terrific. Their attention to detail and drive to ensure accuracy makes it apparent that it isn’t for show, it’s a habit! Great job guys – keep it up!”

"No matter how big or how small, ACC treats you with equal respect. They painstakingly looked at my bits and scraps of metal to determine how to maximize my tiny scrap. But there is something else happening here. Everyone at Advanced Chemical is friendly. Something is going right in there. I feel it."

"The guys did an excellent job taking care of the different jobs we had schedule for that day! 
Was glad to see the whole vault inside was upgraded with new vaults in place!!"

“The employees at your company, make your company. They really treated me well and gave me not only a good understanding of the processes used on our materials but those not used on our types of materials. More importantly, they made me feel welcome.  I appreciate all of their friendliness and hospitality.”